Saturday 8 September 2012

My Clear Hallucination.

I came back home late & had dinner, nothing special. It had been a long day and I was very tired, but I pulled myself together and set my mind to complete the latest Robot that I've been working on for the past two weeks. However it seemed that my brother had been smoking in my room again, though he is fully aware that I can’t work like this, and this is not his first time.

I opened the windows wide, let the cold breeze in and took a deep breath while looking down at the neighborhood that looked strangely quiet that day, except for that annoying street light that flashed and broke the peaceful moment!  But it was just fine, ‘til my brother came in with a cigarette in his mouth, and told me “zombie strike..”
So I put out that nasty cigarette, and told him to help me seal the doors and windows with gasoline…
-Zombies can’t stand the smell of gasoline- this was the 3rd strike this year!

I opened my eyes, looked at my watch, it was around 2:00 AM after midnight……I was all sweaty, and my neck was as stiff as a board, and what a headache I had, this is what I hated the most about being sick, you can’t sleep well nor get your thoughts straight, just hallucinating, everything is blurred and mixed together awkwardly …flying beds, yellow-walking-triangles….and that girl, the only clear thing I've seen all night.

I covered my face under my heavy quilt, to find myself running along a bumpy road, running heavily, and ahead of me was a friend that I didn't recognize, he was pretty fast. We climbed some kind of a hill, but he got there before me. I saw an old man giving him a sword, so I realized that we came here for weapons. I saw another sword so I assumed its mine, and I asked that old geezer to give it to me, he turned towards me, and revealed his teeth or I’d rather say tooth, judging from the dandruff that covered his shoulders I could tell he hadn't taken a decent bath for a long time. He walked towards me, approaching until he trod on my foot. He said “you can’t have your sword now; you have to wait, your friend was faster than you…” I told him zombies were following us, but he refused to listen. Because he wanted to enjoy his cup of tea!!


Half an hour later the zombies killed all of his guards, and I still couldn't have my sword. So I hit the road running again, the road was muddy and I ended up running alone. I couldn't see any humans around me, but it was so dark anyway.  
Finally I found an old house, I knocked but no one opened so I let myself in. Then I heard a scared woman’s whispers.

“I’m not a zombie…I’m totally unaffected” I instantly said.
Then a man with his wife standing behind him, said “come in…come in, quickly”

What a relief…

I asked them, “do you know anything about the zombies?”
so the wife went to the other room, I could hear that she was preparing something… a weapon of sort maybe or something to protect myself, or that’s what I thought. But when she came back she had just been preparing me some fruits!

Again, seriously? What’s wrong with you people…

Suddenly we heard their voices, we were surrounded without even noticing it.
You know that moment when you ask yourself: is this really happening to me? I’m not supposed to die like this, not now."
But hell’s bells rang, even their dog went running randomly. We rushed towards the door trying to get out alive, I didn't care about what would happen to these old people I just wanted to escape…that’s when I got caught, why I can’t move!!
I didn't want to look back, I just closed my eyes and tried harder to get away, but I couldn't  So I looked to see what was holding me so tight,
I wish I didn't take look,  it was a hell of a creature or more like a chimera, red face with the angriest look that I had ever seen. It was so upset, so mad at me that you’d think I killed one of it’s kids and now wants its revenge on me.

I was so scared that I woke up, wide-open eyes and breathing frantically! I couldn’t stand that sight, it had looked so real.
It was around 6:00 AM, I got up, but I was still shocked, I washed my face…stared at the mirror,
..what was that!?
I got myself dressed, and went to the university around an hour earlier than my first lecture just like usual.
I bought a cup of Nescafe, lit a cigarette…breathing in and watching the white smoke coming out of my mouth…I slowly walked with no particular place to go….until she caught my attention , she was sitting alone reading something.
It was my perfect chance!
I made up my mind, today would be the day I'd talk to her….I’d just ask her about the exam we took a day earlier…and I might crack a joke.
And so, I walked towards her, I picked up a book from my bag to pretend that I was reading too and to make it look like a coincidence...
I kept walking….
My heart was pounding, I felt my blood racing through my veins, and my stomach full of butterflies..
As I got closer it got harder to walk normally..
Till she glanced up at me while I was passing her….right at that moment everything was in slow motion for me.
Inwardly paralyzed..
It has never been that hard for me to hit on a girl…but with her I could barely maintain eye contact!!
I just kept on walking , closed the book and put it back to where it was…
And went to my class, lit another cigarette…five minutes, then I entered the classroom and took a seat, a bit later she walked in and sat in the front seat as usual…dare I sit next to her?!!

Playing in my head -Secret for Maroon 5-

I think she is just perfect from here, and to be honest I don’t want be turned down……so I’ll keep this for myself, and I guess it’s enough for me.
Is it really enough?
Mere humans!